Network AID advocates for a healthy, safe, inclusive, and corrupt-free society where the right of women and girls, youths, persons with disabilities and deprived children are recognized, respected, and identity protected.Network AID - Our Transparency

Where Our Contributions Come From

Aggregated Revenue Strings

Private/Philanthropist 57%

719,963 Nle ​​

Materials, Tools & Equipment 0%

We intend to commence our scholarships, skills and information technology trainings for our constituents. We are open to donations - schools and sport materials, skills training tools and office equipment. Email or Call +23278195696 or +23231540541


Organisational 43%

540,693 Nle

Irish AID - 10,000

Plan International - 37,250 

Caritas SL - 35,362

WASHNet SL -  133,998

Education for All - 100,430

YPPD - 205,000

WACSOF SL -  40,000

National Election Watch - 22,000

  Individuals/Philanthropist - 792,083


Cumulative Admin & Direct Cost

The cumulative administrative and direct cost comprises of


Monitoring Evaluation And Learning



Fiscal & Programme Year Start July & Ends June Every Year

Annual Report 2022/2021

Annual Report 2023/2022

Annual Report 2024/2023

Disaggregated Audit Financial Statement 

294,063 Nle

1$ = 13,727.205 SLL

635,663 Nle

1$ = 22,778.9 SLL

330,930 Nle

1$ = 23503.00​


Individual/Philanthropist - 294,083

Organisation                0


Individual/Philanthropist - 320,000

Organisation             - 431,110


Individual/Philanthropist - 178,000

Organisation  - 152,930

Disaggregated Audit Admin & Direct Cost

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