Network AID advocates for a healthy, safe, inclusive, and corrupt-free society where the right of women and girls, youths, persons with disabilities and deprived children are recognized, respected, and identity protected.Network AID - home


The Technical Advisory Team Members, Goodwill Ambassadors, and Management of Network AID welcome and thank you for your time, courage, and trust in visiting our website and social media handles for reference, research, advocacy, news, information, and educational purposes. We hope this site provides the relevant information needed and serves you well. We seek your kind donation ( in-kind or in-cash, tools, equipment, materials) to allow us; through you and or institutions reach more deserving illiterate women/girls, young people, persons with disabilities, and deprived children. Get Involved Now

About Us

Network AID seeks to enhance the welfare and well-being of illiterate women/girls, young people, persons with disability, and deprived children to have a healthy, safe, inclusive, and corrupt-free society where they are recognized, respected, and identity protected. 

All Year Round Call for International Volunteers & Interns

Download Form Here

Eight Years Old Pupil Sexually Penetrated & Later Died in Freetown

Network AID with the strongest of terms condemn the act and other act of same reported done on women and girls. We at Network AID is in solidarity with the girl's family and school on such incident. We encourage the police to do the needful fairly to ensure justice is service to the perpetrator or perpetrators.

Network AID Engages Schools on Alcohol & Drugs Prevention

13 years old girl class 6 said "my brother who was very brilliant student also fell victim of alcohol and kush and presently he is out on the street as a dropped out"

FoRuT Funded Material Development

Network AID Participate in Social Behavior Change Communication Material Development Workshop on Alcohol and Drugs funded by FoRuT led by Ministry of Health

Network AID Message on Israel & Palestine

Network AID message on #Israel and #Palestine...project the literacy history of Palestine. #OurVoicesMatters #MyHandsAreClean

Network AID Support European Union Beach Clean-Up 2024

The one of the thematic focus on the Health and Safety Programme of Network AID which is disaster, incident and accident focuses on mitigating disaster, incident and accident to it barest minimum.


Network AID as an organization is aware and thorough of any information and links posted and available on its site, social media handles, and mobile application. Yet!! we cannot guarantee third-party(ies) links and information on their website and any other medium. Information on our site, social media handles, and mobile application can be used for any lawful purposes and to be credited accordingly. The misuse of any sort of information from her site, social media handles, and mobile application, Network AID cannot be held responsible or accountable in any jurisdiction but the user(s).

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