Network AID advocates for a healthy, safe, inclusive, and corrupt-free society where the right of women and girls, youths, persons with disabilities and deprived children are recognized, respected, and identity protected.Network AID - Resource

Events, Presentations, Campaigns, and Useful Links

Our Campaigns.

My Hands Are Clean Campaign

#MyHandsAreClean Campaign was launched on the 25th of November 2022 in observance of the sixteen (16) day of activism aimed at raising awareness and seeking commitment and action from households, communities, NGOs, private sectors and government to invest, protect, and promote non-gender based violence actions, policies, legal framework, electoral, and structural violence meted against everyone, especially women. This campaign is supported by Network AID and is open to funding and partnership.

Our Voices Matters Campaign

#OurVoicesMatters campaign is a campaign that focuses on amplifying the voice of illiterate and disadvantaged women, youths, and persons with disability in society who normally lack the platform and space to voice out their minds and hearts on issues affecting their well-being and welfare as well as national issues. The campaign uses audio-visual, animation, radio talk shows, digital media and, meetings to get the words out for action to be taken and influencing policies, legal framework, and the ways of working. The campaign targets duty bearers in the legislature, judiciary, executive, local, and chiefdom councils. This campaign is a recognition of the contributions of illiterate women towards socio-economic, political stability, and development growth. The resilience of persons with disability in our challenging society. We are open to partnerships and collaboration in this campaign.

Our Events

Up-Coming Conferences, Seminars

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Our Presentations

Giving A Killer Presentation
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Interns Graduation Presentation
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Youth Discussion on International Youth Day 2023
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Knowledge Sharing Presentation.pdf
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Hey, Let's Talk About Our Mental Wellbeing
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Useful Links

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